Word Link Discussions

Chris S
Chris S
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Topic 198291

Tamation? I can't find any such word?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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Word Link Discussions

Tamation? I can't find any such word?

Best get a pair of reading glasses
T a r n a t i o n is the word

Chris S
Chris S
Joined: 27 Aug 05
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Ok tar n ation than. Which is

Ok tar n ation than. Which is a mild cuss, still nothing to do with water.


Should have gone to Specsavers ....

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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RE: Ok tar n ation than.


Ok tar n ation than. Which is a mild cuss, still nothing to do with water.


Should have gone to Specsavers ....

Rules don't say it has to be related by meaning.

HOWEVER...* We already had a Word Link Discussion thread here.

*Imagine that Annie or Mike did the fancy getting-bigger-and-smaller effect on the HOWEVER.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

David S
David S
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RE: Copys



Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Chris S
Chris S
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Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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RE: copieing Only



Only done as a response to copys, and with the offending letters bold to make that point.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: copieingRE: It is a


It is a verb from the noun "copie" which in turn means 'to co-produce a pie'. This covers all cases from acquision of ingredients through to baking and final presentation. Extensions to this include : copieright & copieleft depending upon the handedness of said producers. See also photocopier ...

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

David S
David S
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I never saw a purple cow. I

I never saw a purple cow.
I never hope to see one.
But I can tell you anyhow,
I'd rather see than be one.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

David S
David S
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RE: RE: copieingRE: I


It is a verb from the noun "copie" which in turn means 'to co-produce a pie'. This covers all cases from acquision of ingredients through to baking and final presentation. Extensions to this include : copieright & copieleft depending upon the handedness of said producers. See also photocopier ...

Cheers, Mike.

Thank you, sir.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Joined: 8 Sep 06
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For those old enough to

For those old enough to remember...

The purple pandas were on Mister Rodgers' Neighborhood. One of my favorite shows growing up... Kids these days don't have quality shows like Mister Rodgers, Captain Kangaroo, etc., anymore... :-(


Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

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