the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)

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RE: Right now, that guy is

Right now, that guy is going to take his twisted ankle and his possibly bruised ribs and his probably arthritic hip to bed because they really hate sitting in front of the kitchen computer. These parts really complain when he gets up without benefit of Tylenol and Advil.

Oooooh :/ that sounds painful :( Hope you get a good night's sleep :) I tend to roar a lot on waking up after taking a tumble. Will keep an ear out in case you do...

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RE: I tend to roar a lot on

I tend to roar a lot on waking up after taking a tumble. Will keep an ear out in case you do...[/size]

Annie I HOPE you and your sister had a WONDERFUL Birthday!!!

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RE: { But did you notice


{ But did you notice there was a guy loitering about ? He was taking a great interest in your drone. I'd keep a close eye on him if I were you .... :-) }

Cheers, Mike.

I saw that guy ! .... very suspicious !

also, earlier in the vid, there was some other
suspicious types that showed up ....


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Hi Folks, Sorry I haven't

Hi Folks,

Sorry I haven't been on much.

Response to some previous posts. We take most of the crude oil "bomb trains" on NS eastbound. The empties come back on a different but somewhat parallel route for reloading.

These trains are much better protected than in days past. I can't discuss details here but just realize steps are being taken.

And a possible note of interest. While it may not seem right to put that much volatile liquid in one train, these are called "unit" trains. They are some of the best running trains on any railroad. A unit train is a train made up of only one commodity, such as crude, grain, or such. On these trains the weight is the same throughout the train, all the cars weigh about the same. This means you don't have heavier sections of the train pushing and pulling on lighter sections as you go up and down hills and around curves. This makes a big difference to the engineer running the train because these trains are HEAVY!

And a last note. I'll be taking a break from crunching for a bit, so I have set my computers for no new work. I'll try to keep up with the forums when I can, and I'll start crunching again in a few months.

I hope everyone had a good holiday of whatever flavor you celebrate. From me, it's Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!



I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken.

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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RE: I saw that guy ! ....


I saw that guy ! .... very suspicious !

also, earlier in the vid, there was some other
suspicious types that showed up ....


Thanks Bill......see that is Albert Einsteins way of making my wedge hit the ball farther than any other humans can (at least it looks like it if you are standing next to me)

Happy 2016 to all

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Good evening everyone.

Good evening everyone. :-)

SETI@Home is going through some growing pains... Starting to release V8 WUs for CPU ONLY... Yet, they've shut off V7 GPU work... So, my computers are going to be out of work... :-(

Actually; Exeter, (my GTX-760 rig), is already out of work. I ONLY crunch GPU work; and am on Lunatics 0.43b Anonymous Platform, further limiting my endeavors... Hopefully, soon, a new Lunatics App will be released, and with it the new V8 GPU work... Until then, I've just set Exeter to NOT crunch BOINC; but, have enabled Folding@Home. (Severe F@H deficit to make up...)

Tomorrow, Prometheus, (my GTX-750 TI SC rig), will join Exeter on F@H.


Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

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RE: Good evening everyone.


Good evening everyone. :-)

Until then, I've just set Exeter to NOT crunch BOINC; but, have enabled Folding@Home. (Severe F@H deficit to make up...)

Tomorrow, Prometheus, (my GTX-750 TI SC rig), will join Exeter on F@H.

You do know that Einstein also has work for the gpu's, and yes yours will work just fine here.

Chris S
Chris S
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Yep my GPU's are now on

Yep my GPU's are now on Einstein :-) Also might give Milkyway and Moowrappwer a spin as well. Seti must know what they are doing, even if it isn't quite apparent.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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RE: RE: Good evening


Good evening everyone. :-)

Until then, I've just set Exeter to NOT crunch BOINC; but, have enabled Folding@Home. (Severe F@H deficit to make up...)

Tomorrow, Prometheus, (my GTX-750 TI SC rig), will join Exeter on F@H.

You do know that Einstein also has work for the gpu's, and yes yours will work just fine here.

Again, due to the SEVERE deficit on F@H, right now my computers are Folding, NOT Crunching. I owe Prometheus, (in its present incarnation as a QX9650), to Folder "Guns" who sent me, (free of charge), his used Gigabyte MOBO with the QX9650 attached. The MOBO has room for a second PCI-e card; and hopefully before the end of 2016, I can muster enough money to purchase a second EVGA GTX-750 TI SC. Then, I will have THREE GPUs to crunch and fold. If I can make this happen, the goal is to set the second 750 to just Fold, while the first 750 Crunches. SETI will let me do this by modifying my "app_config.xml" file, and F@H can designate the specific PCI-e Slot Number for the second card. I don't know how to specifically designate Einstein@Home... Will Einstein just stick with the first PCI-e card; or, will it try to grab both PCI-e cards???

If Einstein can designate itself to just the first PCI-e card, I can continue having Einstein as backup to SETI, and then return here to crunch.


Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

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RE: RE: RE: Good


Good evening everyone. :-)

Until then, I've just set Exeter to NOT crunch BOINC; but, have enabled Folding@Home. (Severe F@H deficit to make up...)

Tomorrow, Prometheus, (my GTX-750 TI SC rig), will join Exeter on F@H.

You do know that Einstein also has work for the gpu's, and yes yours will work just fine here.

Again, due to the SEVERE deficit on F@H, right now my computers are Folding, NOT Crunching. I owe Prometheus, (in its present incarnation as a QX9650), to Folder "Guns" who sent me, (free of charge), his used Gigabyte MOBO with the QX9650 attached. The MOBO has room for a second PCI-e card; and hopefully before the end of 2016, I can muster enough money to purchase a second EVGA GTX-750 TI SC. Then, I will have THREE GPUs to crunch and fold. If I can make this happen, the goal is to set the second 750 to just Fold, while the first 750 Crunches. SETI will let me do this by modifying my "app_config.xml" file, and F@H can designate the specific PCI-e Slot Number for the second card. I don't know how to specifically designate Einstein@Home... Will Einstein just stick with the first PCI-e card; or, will it try to grab both PCI-e cards???

If Einstein can designate itself to just the first PCI-e card, I can continue having Einstein as backup to SETI, and then return here to crunch.

To exclude a gpu it's easy, just put this stuff in a cc_config.xml file:


Be sure to delete the type of gpu you do NOT have, in your case everything except the NVIDIA in the 'type' line.

Here is another way using the device number instead of the 'type' line.



This one excludes device zero from the Moowrap project and device #1 from the Poem project.

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