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Chris S
Chris S
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RE: A small reminder about

A small reminder about cooking: ovens only bake food when they are lit.

Uncle Chris's Household handy Hints No.87

Small reminder Part II - electric ovens need switching on not lighting. Waving matches under the turkey doesn't cook it very well.

You're most welcome :-)

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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Good morning everyone!

Good morning everyone!

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RE: Good morning

Good morning everyone!

Hi Mikey!! :-)

Good morning everyone. :-)

Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

David S
David S
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RE: RE: A small reminder

A small reminder about cooking: ovens only bake food when they are lit.

Uncle Chris's Household handy Hints No.87

Small reminder Part II - electric ovens need switching on not lighting. Waving matches under the turkey doesn't cook it very well.

You're most welcome :-)

The only thing electric on my stove is a light, and it doesn't work. When it was first moved in, I plugged it in and we tried the light. Nothing. I went to unplug it and got shocked. One of the movers grabbed a paper towel and used it as insulation to unplug it. Then they moved the stove into position and nothing was ever done about the light. That was probably 35 years ago. The stove itself could be twice that age.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: The stove itself could

The stove itself could be twice that age.

Just how safe is a 70 year old stove? have you had it checked recently?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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RE: RE: The stove itself

The stove itself could be twice that age.

Just how safe is a 70 year old stove? have you had it checked recently?

No, I haven't, but I don't use it all that much and I don't feel sick when I do, so I don't think there's a CO issue. My nose is very sensitive to the odor additive in natural gas. It's a Chambers and built like a tank.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: RE: RE: The stove

The stove itself could be twice that age.

Just how safe is a 70 year old stove? have you had it checked recently?

No, I haven't, but I don't use it all that much and I don't feel sick when I do, so I don't think there's a CO issue. My nose is very sensitive to the odor additive in natural gas. It's a Chambers and built like a tank.

Since you are in the US, I don't know about other Countries policies, the local gas company will come and check it out for free. They will even make sure the temp is set right if you ask them while they are there. Gas companies have a vested interest in things not blowing up, so checking them is a no brainer for them. SOME repairs are way beyond their expertise, but checking for leaks and either showing you how or actually adjusting the temp they can do.

Hi TL04!!

Good morning everyone!!


RE: @Robl, That



That ROCKS!!!!! :-)

TL, how about this?
scroll to bottom for video.

David S
David S
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drone practice flights #1#2#3

drone practice flights #1


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.


RE: drone practice flights

Pretty cool video. Should post a pic of the a/c.

questions: why was there a trailing box car on the oil train in the 3rd video. Also I noticed there was a red "gondola" (???) following the oil trains engine cluster. Any reason why? I was thinking they provided a "crush" zone but I don't know much about trains.

Also was the oil train carrying full tankers. For a train that long with a "full" load I would have expected to see additional engines near the middle. But then again ....

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