European politics -- formerly Jumbled word #7

Chris S
Chris S
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May one enquire, perchance,

May one enquire, perchance, with all due deference and temerity*, why said feline had orange extremities??

*furiously tugs forelock, and for good measure fifthlock as well

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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Oh my. I did need the

Oh my. I did need the multiple good laughs I got reading what has transpired here since I last posted.

Yes, the word is pseudoreprehensibility. Carry on (and know that I am finally getting serious about your word at Seti).


Miserable old git
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I've come across some very

I've come across some very good words I never knew existed *round eyes excitedly* some aren't even in any dictionaries! *beam ecstatically*

But for the time being I'll stick with a more traditional approach and go for one that is.


I thought you'd be happy :)

Which one though? I've been considering this one:


but as 14 of it's letters form a word that was featured in word jumble#5 (I think) I've decided it's much too easy...

*pause to attend to correspondence*

why said feline had orange extremities?

Our most aberrantly brained cat (Diego The Destructive - aka he who was rescued from being thrown off a tower block roof) is given to dipping his paws into liquids that he suspects has milk in them. It started with cups of coffee. He'd see the milk go into the bottom of the cup, and believed that was where it could be retrieved from, no matter what then got added to it. If left unchallenged, he resorts to tipping the cups over to aid his search, then, when discovery is imminent, legs-it to a distance where he can feign innocence - leaving a trail of evidence behind him.

Having carefully mixed a large quantity of acrylic paint (which included mixing in some white) to the shade of orange my son required for presentation backgrounds on 12 A1 pieces of card - the tub was left unattended for a few minutes and Diego realised that this kind of milk was probably going to need a much longer legging-it distance than usual - hence the f-word and why some parts of my furniture no longer match others.

Anyway, where was I... oh yes

AADEEHIIILMNN00000PPPPQRSSSTTU (or hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian) is not going to be your jumbled word because...


is :)

EDIT: and just like with the last word, this jumble has two letters already in their correct positions

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Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Easy. That's Malcolm Tucker sneezing while he's trying to say "I'll kill you".

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Easy. That's Malcolm Tucker sneezing while he's trying to say "I'll kill you".

Cheers, Mike.

:))) Oh very good! + 20 marks for that, Mike.



this jumble has two letters already in their correct positions

and you put 17 in the same position, making... *do calculator thing... on calculator* 15 wrong...


20 - 15 = erm... 5 according to this little machine...

So 5 marks :)

*suffer sudden moment of kindliness*

Would you like a clue?

Only two consonants are adjacent...

*SIGH* that made me feel so good, how about another? :) The two correctly placed letters are vowels.

[some time later but not very long at all] Final last edit - before seeking cure for addiction to being nice...

No vowels are adjacent...


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David S
David S
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Are the adjacent consonants

Are the adjacent consonants CH? TH?


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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David! It's you! :) After

David! It's you! :) After what you posted in the seti jumble I thought I might have to lay a trail of tasty nibbles to tempt you in... but I didn't :)

Are the adjacent consonants CH? TH?

They're TH. Most definitely :)

Are you pleasantly surprised by what you've found? I think this word is having such a beneficial effect on my disposition don't you? *happy speed blink* If it is, it goes without saying it won't last :)

*beam iridescence ALL OVER einstein and then the whole world too* you've been warned people, yes. You have :)

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David S
David S
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RE: David! It's you! :)


David! It's you! :) After what you posted in the seti jumble I thought I might have to lay a trail of tasty nibbles to tempt you in... but I didn't :)

Are the adjacent consonants CH? TH?

They're TH. Most definitely :)

Are you pleasantly surprised by what you've found? I think this word is having such a beneficial effect on my disposition don't you? *happy speed blink* If it is, it goes without saying it won't last :)

*beam iridescence ALL OVER einstein and then the whole world too* you've been warned people, yes. You have :)

My but you're being nice today. Unfortunately, I'm constantly nodding off at my desk (which is a good way to get yelled at if the boss sees it) and in no condition to take advantage of it. Any chance it will last through the 14 hour nap I need but can't take right now?

Let me see if I can at least recap the clues:
TH are the only adjacent consonants.
No vowels are adjacent.
2 vowels and 0 consonants are already correct.

Has my barely-functioning brain missed anything?


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

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RE: Has my

Has my barely-functioning brain missed anything?

What, like in the TLPPPTWPPTHH thread? :) No it hasn't. Here, you're doing very very well...

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not sure how to tell you

not sure how to tell you this


so I won't


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