European politics -- formerly Jumbled word #7

Chris S
Chris S
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*snigger* can't wait for the

*snigger* can't wait for the response .......

To be continued at a cinema near you, and copies in all good bookshops*

*We never hear about any bad ones though - ponders vaguely ....

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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I could be sitting on one of

I could be sitting on one of these :

...... ooops

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

Chris S
Chris S
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Ummm, you might well be young

Ummm, you might well be young man. I trust that you have made your will out in favour of "The Droopy Eyelid Society" UK branch. Funds gratefully received and desperately needed.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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RE: BorderlineSuetyHippies


2 correct, neither of them correct in any previous guess

SherbityNippleDouseIre - anger (stemming from extreme disappointment) after losing the contents of a sherbert fountain all over one's chest and discovering one's tongue is too short to salvage its deliciousness. Trust me... *glare* That is SO annoying!

2 correct, 1 from a previous guess and 1 from above (definition left in because I like it)


1 correct from previous, 1 new


1 correct from previous, 1 new (neither matching directly above)


1 from previous (ew)


1 correct, matches one in first above

Now wondering if I've given enough information for Mike to make any headway with the logic chart he's probably started by now.

Also wondering if it's worth the effort to rewrite the above sentence so it doesn't start and end with the same word. Probably not.

Let me add that 3 of your guesses (2 previous, 1 in this post) match one of the two letters that were correct in the first place.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

David S
David S
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RE: RE: BorderlineSuetyHi


2 correct, neither of them correct in any previous guess

SherbityNippleDouseIre - anger (stemming from extreme disappointment) after losing the contents of a sherbert fountain all over one's chest and discovering one's tongue is too short to salvage its deliciousness. Trust me... *glare* That is SO annoying!

2 correct, 1 from a previous guess and 1 from above (definition left in because I like it)


1 correct from previous, 1 new


1 correct from previous, 1 new (neither matching directly above)


1 from previous (ew)


1 correct, matches one in first above

Now wondering if I've given enough information for Mike to make any headway with the logic chart he's probably started by now.

Also wondering if it's worth the effort to rewrite the above sentence so it doesn't start and end with the same word. Probably not.

Let me add that 3 of your guesses (2 previous, 1 in this post) match one of the two letters that were correct in the first place.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Chris S
Chris S
Joined: 27 Aug 05
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RE: Now wondering if I've


Now wondering if I've given enough information for Mike to make any headway with the logic chart he's probably started by now.

Now Wondering if it's worth the effort to rewrite the above sentence so it doesn't start and end with the same word. Probably not.

Pondering if I've given enough information for Mike to make any headway with the logic chart he's probably started by this time.*

There ya go :-))

*Tuition rates upon request.

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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RE: ....They tried to

....They tried to punctuate me they did. One hooked me with a question mark, while anuther whakked me on the shin with an exclamation. Let's not talk about where they tried to put an apostrophe, ...

Oh rrreeeAARRLY... *retract nose and sprout horn*

I think you should know by now, Mike, that your bomb... *extinguish fizzy bit* will not save you. Nor ... *cool glare* will Chris's sniggering...

PerspiredHi-Isobutylene – highly destructive defence mechanism that, if triggered, will obliterate the entirety of the milky way to the very tippiest bits of her spiral arms, and possibly even the entire known universe. The mechanism *blink latitudinally* deploys following unlawful arrests of a creature known as an anniet... y-e-e-s this IS true people... and is then activated *reach for a tissue* ... when her lacrimals subsequently monsoon...

PriorlyBushiestEpeeDin – recriminatory racket following the sudden removal of significant amounts of hair with just one swish of a sword. *eye-up Mike's beard...*

SylphidineBrierToupees – hairpiece (guaranteed by design, not to fall into your soup or blow away in a storm) fashioned from the brier rose. Most commonly worn by balding fairies, nymphs and sylphs.

EeryInbredPhilosipetus – strange nocturnal animal (arising from a one-time only successful breeding program between a hippo and a platypus) and from where the term blue moon comes from. Spending much of the day asleep and most of their nights in a trance waiting for a full moon (during which they hum sweetly in the fashion of Clangers) EeryInbredPhilosipeti are the ultimate in low maintenance pets – except during those 13th full-moon-in-a-year occasions, where they burst into tears and flood the place. Awwwwwwww... :(

PeripheryTubenoseIdils – moments of idyllic calm enjoyed by some members of fish, bird, and bat species, but not elephants, nor anniets. When they raise their noses up and a little to the side, you can be pretty sure the whiff they're getting, is one they're not too keen on. Yes. And I mean no.

IBuyRinderpestPieholes - the relationship between political rulers and their nations' media moguls.

HideousPeripetyBliners - sudden and unpleasant change in the course of events during the manual operation of bin liners.

*beam knowledgeably at einsteinians* so the next time you find your feet mysteriously planted in a mound of litter tray contents whilst your fist rises triumphantly ceilingwards clasping an empty bag – you now know what happened.

Now wondering if I've given enough information for Mike to make any headway with the logic chart he's probably started by now.

*scathing stare* based on mine - no. You haven't.


Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Nor ... *cool glare*

Nor ... *cool glare* will Chris's sniggering...

Snigger? S N I G G e R ? ? An English gentleman does not snigger, one diguises a mild chortle in ones kercheif upon the pretext of a mild sternutation from the probocis.

Oooohh a "cool glare", hey I got promotion from a withering glance!!! Ya see it pays to be a faithful courtier with deferential respect. Or was that differential respect? No that was summat to do with a rear axle ????

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
Joined: 6 Dec 05
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RE: RE: PerspiredHi-Isobu



4 correct, and for the first time, two in a row correct; also, one that you have not had correct before (in fact, it's the first of the two in a row)


2 correct, one same as above


0 correct. Zilch. Nada. (Actually the first time for this word that you have gotten 0.)


1 correct, and it's one you haven't had before


5 correct, a new record. Also has two in a row, the second of which is new. One of the others is also new.


2 correct, one of which is new


3 correct, none new

Now wondering if I've given enough information for Mike to make any headway with the logic chart he's probably started by now.

*scathing stare* based on mine - no. You haven't.


Okay, I will give you one of the same hints you just gave at Seti: none of your guesses so far has had the last letter right. I will go further and say that four of your guesses have had the first letter correct (which still leaves two possibilities, bwaaahahaha!). One more thing: in both cases of two in a row correct today, the one of the pair that was previously correct is an E.

And I will give a definition-type hint: the word is a good description of my little faux pas at the beginning when I said the scramble had one right and then changed it to two.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
Joined: 1 Dec 05
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RE: Oooohh a "cool glare",

Oooohh a "cool glare", hey I got promotion from a withering glance!!! Ya see it pays to be a faithful courtier with deferential respect.

Darn. Can't you see how hard I've been at it to get flayed ( with salt ) in style ! :-)

You're not a descendant of a certain Mr Francis Walsingham are you ?

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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