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Richard Haselgrove wrote: One of my Mint machines is still at Mint 19.1 (Ubuntu 18.04), but I've just started a pair of...
22nd January 2021
can anyone with a Linux host and older kernel (5.4 or earlier) try the nvidia driver from the 440 generation or older?...
22nd January 2021
All of the nvidia GPUs in that list being older GPUs (pascal or older) so it’s no surprise they were ok. We have enough...
22nd January 2021
Ian&Steve C. wrote: there seems to be a problem with the new LATeah3001L00 tasks. none of them will process on my...
22nd January 2021
looks like San-Fernando-Valley's Titan V, (Volta Architecture, precursor to Turing) on Windows, is having issue with these...
22nd January 2021