the "Last Person to blah blah blah" thread is now old enough to vote (in the US)

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Goodnight everyone.

Goodnight everyone. :-)

Back at the top, and WINNING!!!!! :-)

Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
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Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Hmmmm. Big secret. I

Hmmmm. Big secret. I wasn't born, I was manufactured. No disrespect for my parents but I was picked up from 'the hospital' after they dropped the disk in the previous week. We were way ahead of our time in Pakenham in 1960 ! :-)

Oh well, so much for the gooseberry bush theory then, Next you'll be telling me the tooth fairy isn't real!

If you do, I will complain to the ones at the bottom of my garden, so there!

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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*flop head to one side* How do you feel about a helicopter flying lesson...?

You know... away from built up areas?

Or cluster ballooning

clinging to a garden chair?

Hello everyone :)

edit@robl: I know nothing about 3D printers, robl. Sorry. I do occasionally wonder how they might revolutionalise the christmas office party practise of sitting on a photocopier though. I also sometimes wonder if anyone else wonders things like that, so I suppose now is as good a time as any to ask...? *note deafening silence* ... or perhAPs not...

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RE: Does anyone have


Does anyone have experience with 3d printers? If so any recommendations?

[EDIT] was just outside and noticed a "chill" in the air. we may be dipping below 80F. yooooohooooo!

I know there are cheap ones and then much better and more expensive ones. I saw two yesterday for sale, a one jet 3d printer for $350 and a two jet 3d printer for $450, more jets means more colors or types of material being 'printed' etc. BUT I also know that the F1 Teams are using them in their garages at the different tracks and they cost ALOT more!!!

Happy Birthday David!!!

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Happy B-Day David!!!!!

Happy B-Day David!!!!! :-)

No 3-D printers here; still working with a 17 year old HP LaserJet 4000TN with 8MB RAM, Dual 500 Sheet Trays, HP JetDirect 10Mb card, and extra fonts kit; and Tray 1 Single Sheet Feeder with Envelope Feeder... Also, still have functioning, and modified for Network use, an HP LaserJet 4 ML 300dpi from 1993!!! (Yeah, that makes that one 22 years old!!!) :-O


P.S. On New Farragut, (my parents' new HP Envy Desktop system), the Win 10 "Windows Update" Driver for the HP 4000TN is broken!!! If you try to print more than 1 copy of a document, it ONLY prints 1 copy of that document!!! All other printer settings have been adjusted to accommodate the listed features of the printer from above notes...

NOT sure, though, how an "Upgraded" Win 10 works with the 4000TN; does it use the old driver, or replace the old driver with the Win 10 driver??? I'll have to check my dad's ASUS laptop, later, and report... (Went from Win 8 to 8.1 to 10 Home to 10 Pro...) MAYBE, if we're lucky, the ASUS is still using the functioning older driver, and won't have the problem that the new HP Envy is having... (???)


Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees


anniet, RE: edit@rob



edit@robl: I know nothing about 3D printers, robl. Sorry. I do occasionally wonder how they might revolutionalise the christmas office party practise of sitting on a photocopier though. I also sometimes wonder if anyone else wonders things like that, so I suppose now is as good a time as any to ask...? *note deafening silence* ... or perhAPs not...

I would imagine the possibilities are endless. Imagine a 3d printer the size of Boeing's Seattle 747 facility. You could completely build a house complete with interior furnishings and relocate it to its final destination where it would sit on a concrete slab.

Need a new hip, knee, ....

My interest is in building cases to hold various robotic components like a case for a small USB camera.

I understand that there is currently a machine available created by a company in Israel that is capable of printing PCBs. Now that would be interesting.

David S
David S
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Looks good.


*flop head to one side* How do you feel about a helicopter flying lesson...?

You know... away from built up areas?

I'd love it.


Or cluster ballooning

clinging to a garden chair?

Er, no thanks.


Hello everyone :)

edit@robl: I know nothing about 3D printers, robl. Sorry. I do occasionally wonder how they might revolutionalise the christmas office party practise of sitting on a photocopier though. I also sometimes wonder if anyone else wonders things like that, so I suppose now is as good a time as any to ask...? *note deafening silence* ... or perhAPs not...

Now you've got me wondering why I didn't think of that already.

I've seen demonstrations of the cheap kind, with the reel of plastic that feeds into it. They take a long time to run and there is the real possibility that even if the design is sound it will still fail to print correctly.

Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

Chris S
Chris S
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RE: I do occasionally

I do occasionally wonder how they might revolutionalise the christmas office party practise of sitting on a photocopier though.

Hehehehehe wot are you like :-))) In my recollection that only happened in the days of typing pools in the early 80's before all Managers got their own computer with M$ Word.

One year the pool held a New year competition to guess which person owned each of the 6 images secretly passed around in a buff folder. Absolutely outrageous! Made more difficult because one of them was rather obviously a bloke :-))

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

David S
David S
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RE: RE: I do occasionally

I do occasionally wonder how they might revolutionalise the christmas office party practise of sitting on a photocopier though.

Hehehehehe wot are you like :-))) In my recollection that only happened in the days of typing pools in the early 80's before all Managers got their own computer with M$ Word.

One year the pool held a New year competition to guess which person owned each of the 6 images secretly passed around in a buff folder. Absolutely outrageous! Made more difficult because one of them was rather obviously a bloke :-))

Sadly, working in a school we can't have parties like that. Well, we do have parties, but off premises and you still don't want to get up to TOO much.


Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.

MAGIC Quantum Mechanic
MAGIC Quantum M...
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Happy Birthday David (how

Happy Birthday David (how many? )

Have you ever been to Seattle or Boeing robl??

The only thing I have ever seen a printer do is spit out a piece of paper with a picture on it or a bunch of text.........and eat lots of money wanting more ink.

How about a 3D disc burner?

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