The short answer is both, David. The long answer is:
These are the words it applies to. I wasn't referring to number three at the time I said you'd struck out completely on the first four letters... as it qualified for that title after that clue was posted.
Might I be at all on the right track with S---E--ATCH--P-I-S
The short answer is no. The long answer is, you've identified the wrong string of four, [b]however, half of that string is correct! :) You have also added another correct letter to form the second in an adjacent pair, the first of which has already been identified prior to your epiphany today. Of course, the whole of that last sentence is about what is yet to follow here
not THERE...
There, that must be it.
Are you sure? :)
@chris: SNORT!!! :)
edit: despite re-bbcoding however a LOT and correctly, I seem unable to get bold to work on it properly. Torn between removing the [b] altogether... I decided not to bother. Odd :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
You can see that any day of the week in a certain political forum!!!*
* And don't call me Shirley :-)
@chris: SNORT!!! :)
Note to self - buy Annie new hankies for Xmas.
Torn between removing the [b] altogether... I decided not to bother.
Worra swizz .....
@Annie - Ah yes "family game time". Traditionally guaranteed to cause family WWIII. They are "games" for gosh sake, not life and death pistols at dawn scenarios!
Upwords, ah that is a good one, a variation on scrabble and a bit more fiendish. As it happens we have our own set, and I brought back my dads set when we cleared the house recently. I will pass the spare set your way at some point to try out. Suggest you hide it from the recalcitrant family member :-))
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
I was right. They are. But they're on the left... both of them, and they follow directly after the string you do want, which means they will also be on the left...
... if you're looking at them from here -----------------------> . <----------------------
If you're looking at them non-traditionally, I can't say for certain where they are.
You can see that any day of the week in a certain political forum!!!
I'm hoping *look intriguingly into distant corner* to have some time to pop my nose in there next week, Shirley *sweep gaze aloofly about* and whatever's left of it after I've done so, I will peg. Yes. I will! So perhaps hankies should be handed out there... to those unsuspecting setizens who might be so firmly ensconced atop a soapbox, they have nowhere left to hide... :)
...but I'm not sharing my ants.
Which reminds me... :)
Are they not almost as cute as the smallest birds in the world?
nb: the caterpillars are cute too... although you might not want to tangle with them overmuch... no... not without medical assistance on standby anyway...
edit squared: Hummingbirds don't have a caterpillar stage... just thought I should clear that up before MAGIC has to :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
Puss moths look adorable so do baby humming birds, Can happily deal with all that. Spiders, creepy crawlies et all, no thanks.
and whatever's left of it after I've done so, I will peg. Yes. I will! So perhaps hankies should be handed out there... to those unsuspecting setizens who might be so firmly ensconced atop a soapbox, they have nowhere left to hide... :)
Oooh oooh oooh, rushes out to bay hankies courtesy of moi, gets in the popcorn and beer, plonks oneself in comfy chair, and awaits the highlight of the month.
The term is also used metaphorically to describe a person engaging in often flamboyant impromptu or unofficial public speaking, as in the phrases "He's on his soapbox", or "Get off your soapbox."
But as I am known to be ever helpful, I will donate this in the meantime.
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
Chris had a significant string of four letters in his word. All wrongly placed... of course *roll eyes pedantically* :) however the lead letter started where the last of the four should have ended.
I thought I put it rather succinctly. Perhaps I should have another go at it...
the first letter in the string of four (that were correctly strung in order, but incorrectly positioned within the surrounding letters) in patchydermoSlugbis (but NOT in redpatchydermoslugbuis) was put (by Chris) in the position that the last letter of the string of four is in when within the unjumbled word when it is unjumbled.
How's that? :) Better?
THAT is the answer I was looking for. Everything else I understood.
Unfortunately, actual contemplation of it and all the rest of today's gobbledygook will have to wait. The assistant big boss has just asked me to do something by the end of the day that will take a considerable part of my day to do.
Interestingly, in the jumbled version I provided you with, that letter is where the second from last (or third letter in the string) should be, within the unjumbled word you are seeking :)
Furthermore, if all that red stuff in your list is of letters that are not there, you're right. They're not.
It is.
You always win with the four stations, the Vine Street gang, and Mayfair!
I don't enjoy winning. Especially at monopoly. Unfortunately one family member does, and the game gets so unpleasant I have had to ban him from playing. There's only so many times you can see your little ones reduced to tears during "family time" by either: a bad-tempered walk-off-in-a-huff midgame event; or a crowing rub-your-nose-in-it megalomanic event. But I do make a very generous banker and landlord :)
My friend Mike (of Seti's Train thread fame) had never heard of Monopoly until I told him and bought him a set. He quickly became a cutthroat at it and unpleasant to play with.
I've never played upwords...
*pause for thought processing* I do hope Mike didn't do himself a mischief with that bag he was breathing into...
edit: Oh... I missed a couple of posts... I will peruse them now...
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
I think you said I had the AT right in positions 8 and 9.
But then it seems like you are saying the ...
Okay, I'm lost. I no longer even understand how I came to put the ATCH where I did, since they are quite clearly not three to the right of where Chris had them.
Furthermore, the AT cannot be the second half of a string of four because there is only one letter to the left of them in the modified version of Chris's word.
So maybe 7-10 are CHYD. Except that's exactly where Chris had them in his original too-long word. So no.
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
the first letter in the string of four (that were correctly strung in order, but incorrectly positioned within the surrounding letters) in patchydermoSlugbis (but NOT in redpatchydermoslugbuis) was put (by Chris) in the position that the last letter of the string of four is in when within the unjumbled word when it is unjumbled.
Perhaps... I was understanding this backwards. That might make the string ERMO, with the E already established in its correct position and the rest following after it.
Interestingly, in the jumbled version I provided you with, that letter is where the second from last (or third letter in the string) should be, within the unjumbled word you are seeking :)
That also fits with what I just said.
Throwing in SUCHERMODALGYPBITS and then going back to figure out what's wrong with it.
And of course the first thing wrong with it is that the CH are in the same position as in the jumble. Oh well.
[edit 2]
Instead of wracking my brain over this any further at the moment, I'm going to go do something else instead.
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
Throwing in SUCHERMODALGYPBITS and then going back to figure out what's wrong with it.
Well perhaps you won't mind if I throw it back out then. It's not complete garbage, but you've pig's-breakfasted position 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 17 - so half of it is... well done on getting three of the four-letter string you've been banging your head into a wall for though :) I am impressed - *lower nose especially low to prove it*
I think you said I had the AT right in positions 8 and 9
I think I did, and I was right to think that too...
If it helps at all, the picture above - specifically the orange part of it, should help you with the first three letters... but only if you drop the watery bit.
_________________ <- this might help with the next bit and the last part is pretty much the process I used to make the picture at the top :)
Puss moths look adorable so do baby humming birds, Can happily deal with all that.
There's loads more cute ones!! and those aren't baby hummingbirds - they're fully grown! Did you know the Victorians stuffed them and turned them into earrings! *appalled glare* How can you look at something that cute and do that to it?! *breathe ferociously* Dodgy lot or what!?
Oh - I suppose I should've got on my soapbox for that... anyway - where were we...
Spiders, creepy crawlies et all, no thanks.
But to get to be a puss moth you have to be a creepy crawly first :) And spiders* are fascinating! I'm sure I'll find you one you'll like :) and beetles too! Just you wait - you'll be going on bug crawls with the best in no time! :)
*and anyway - you haven't lived till you've found one spinning a web between your fringe, your nose and a windowledge :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
Well I can see a spider and a millipede at the beginning of that post!
Did you know the Victorians stuffed them and turned them into earrings! *appalled glare*
Same as those silly girls in the seventies that had hollow glass heels on their shoes with live goldfish in them. *even more appalled glare*
[soapbox mode on]
Never ceases to amaze me what the human race do to animals. Which is why I can never go to Africa, if I saw poachers slaughtering an elephant I would likely take action and get a life sentence. Same goes for Asia with dogs in cages trussed up for the cooking pot. It is against my principles to go to Spain, because of bull fighting and their lack of animal rights. but I have to for my parents ashes :-(
The letters I have written to various London Embassies are legion. Heny Root was an amateur. I'm probably on many no-fly lists.
[Soapbox mode off]
The Victorians were an odd lot really, focussed on highly moralistic behaviour, and slotted in between the Georgian and Edwardian periods. A time of the height of the British Empire, the later half of Victoriana being the Belle Époque era of continental Europe, and the Gilded Age of the United States.
Then we had the Edwardian fashion for draping dead foxes, minks, stoats etc around their necks. Not just the furs as stoles, the whole dead animal including the head. That was positively ghoulish. Everybody's great aunt seemed to have one.
and anyway - you haven't lived till you've found one spinning a web between your fringe, your nose and a windowledge :)
You are quite correct. I wouldn't have lived, I'd have died of fright!*
* I'm quite a dab hand at rescuing ladybirds actually. And been known to rescue cats dinners and put them outside. Most died or fright anyway within 10 minutes but a few scuttled away.
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
I never heard about fish shoes before, but I share in the appalledness.
Anyway, I am making progress. I now know that SU--ERMAT---YP-I-S is correct. I tried writing down SUBDERMATHO-YP-I-S, but I found myself with a G left that was already ruled out of all the remaining blank spaces. I think I'll keep the BD there and put the HO back in the hopper.
Miserable old git
Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
The short answer is both,
The short answer is both, David. The long answer is:
These are the words it applies to. I wasn't referring to number three at the time I said you'd struck out completely on the first four letters... as it qualified for that title after that clue was posted.
I hope that helped.
The short answer is no. The long answer is, you've identified the wrong string of four, [b]however, half of that string is correct! :) You have also added another correct letter to form the second in an adjacent pair, the first of which has already been identified prior to your epiphany today. Of course, the whole of that last sentence is about what is yet to follow here
not THERE...
Are you sure? :)
@chris: SNORT!!! :)
edit: despite re-bbcoding however a LOT and correctly, I seem unable to get bold to work on it properly. Torn between removing the [b] altogether... I decided not to bother. Odd :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
Yeah I'm positive :-))
You can see that any day of the week in a certain political forum!!!*
* And don't call me Shirley :-)
Note to self - buy Annie new hankies for Xmas.
Worra swizz .....
@Annie - Ah yes "family game time". Traditionally guaranteed to cause family WWIII. They are "games" for gosh sake, not life and death pistols at dawn scenarios!
Upwords, ah that is a good one, a variation on scrabble and a bit more fiendish. As it happens we have our own set, and I brought back my dads set when we cleared the house recently. I will pass the spare set your way at some point to try out. Suggest you hide it from the recalcitrant family member :-))
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
...and when I
...and when I said
I was right. They are. But they're on the left... both of them, and they follow directly after the string you do want, which means they will also be on the left...
... if you're looking at them from here -----------------------> . <----------------------
If you're looking at them non-traditionally, I can't say for certain where they are.
I'm hoping *look intriguingly into distant corner* to have some time to pop my nose in there next week, Shirley *sweep gaze aloofly about* and whatever's left of it after I've done so, I will peg. Yes. I will! So perhaps hankies should be handed out there... to those unsuspecting setizens who might be so firmly ensconced atop a soapbox, they have nowhere left to hide... :)
...but I'm not sharing my ants.
Which reminds me... :)
Are they not almost as cute as the smallest birds in the world?
nb: the caterpillars are cute too... although you might not want to tangle with them overmuch... no... not without medical assistance on standby anyway...
edit squared: Hummingbirds don't have a caterpillar stage... just thought I should clear that up before MAGIC has to :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
Puss moths look adorable so
Puss moths look adorable so do baby humming birds, Can happily deal with all that. Spiders, creepy crawlies et all, no thanks.
Oooh oooh oooh, rushes out to bay hankies courtesy of moi, gets in the popcorn and beer, plonks oneself in comfy chair, and awaits the highlight of the month.
But as I am known to be ever helpful, I will donate this in the meantime.
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
RE: I presume you're
THAT is the answer I was looking for. Everything else I understood.
Unfortunately, actual contemplation of it and all the rest of today's gobbledygook will have to wait. The assistant big boss has just asked me to do something by the end of the day that will take a considerable part of my day to do.
It is.
My friend Mike (of Seti's Train thread fame) had never heard of Monopoly until I told him and bought him a set. He quickly became a cutthroat at it and unpleasant to play with.
Miserable old git

Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
IF I am making any sense at
IF I am making any sense at all of this...
I think you said I had the AT right in positions 8 and 9.
But then it seems like you are saying the ...
Okay, I'm lost. I no longer even understand how I came to put the ATCH where I did, since they are quite clearly not three to the right of where Chris had them.
Furthermore, the AT cannot be the second half of a string of four because there is only one letter to the left of them in the modified version of Chris's word.
So maybe 7-10 are CHYD. Except that's exactly where Chris had them in his original too-long word. So no.
Miserable old git

Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
RE: the first letter in the
Perhaps... I was understanding this backwards. That might make the string ERMO, with the E already established in its correct position and the rest following after it.
That also fits with what I just said.
Throwing in SUCHERMODALGYPBITS and then going back to figure out what's wrong with it.
And of course the first thing wrong with it is that the CH are in the same position as in the jumble. Oh well.
[edit 2]
Instead of wracking my brain over this any further at the moment, I'm going to go do something else instead.
Miserable old git

Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.
_-/\............../\ (((__))
_-/\............../\ (((__)) ((__))} ((__)))
_/^ \\ \\\/// / /^ \
... mMm... mMm
=- = _I_-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
_ _ (oOo)+
' ' ' ' ''''''' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
``````````````/^/^` / ``OOooooooo...
`````````````v`w```\ 0ooooooo...
Well perhaps you won't mind if I throw it back out then. It's not complete garbage, but you've pig's-breakfasted position 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15 and 17 - so half of it is... well done on getting three of the four-letter string you've been banging your head into a wall for though :) I am impressed - *lower nose especially low to prove it*
I think I did, and I was right to think that too...
If it helps at all, the picture above - specifically the orange part of it, should help you with the first three letters... but only if you drop the watery bit.
_________________ <- this might help with the next bit and the last part is pretty much the process I used to make the picture at the top :)
There's loads more cute ones!! and those aren't baby hummingbirds - they're fully grown! Did you know the Victorians stuffed them and turned them into earrings! *appalled glare* How can you look at something that cute and do that to it?! *breathe ferociously* Dodgy lot or what!?
Oh - I suppose I should've got on my soapbox for that... anyway - where were we...
But to get to be a puss moth you have to be a creepy crawly first :) And spiders* are fascinating! I'm sure I'll find you one you'll like :) and beetles too! Just you wait - you'll be going on bug crawls with the best in no time! :)
*and anyway - you haven't lived till you've found one spinning a web between your fringe, your nose and a windowledge :)
Please wait here. Further instructions could pile up at any time. Thank you.
Well I can see a spider and a
Well I can see a spider and a millipede at the beginning of that post!
Same as those silly girls in the seventies that had hollow glass heels on their shoes with live goldfish in them. *even more appalled glare*
[soapbox mode on]
Never ceases to amaze me what the human race do to animals. Which is why I can never go to Africa, if I saw poachers slaughtering an elephant I would likely take action and get a life sentence. Same goes for Asia with dogs in cages trussed up for the cooking pot. It is against my principles to go to Spain, because of bull fighting and their lack of animal rights. but I have to for my parents ashes :-(
The letters I have written to various London Embassies are legion. Heny Root was an amateur. I'm probably on many no-fly lists.
[Soapbox mode off]
The Victorians were an odd lot really, focussed on highly moralistic behaviour, and slotted in between the Georgian and Edwardian periods. A time of the height of the British Empire, the later half of Victoriana being the Belle Époque era of continental Europe, and the Gilded Age of the United States.
Then we had the Edwardian fashion for draping dead foxes, minks, stoats etc around their necks. Not just the furs as stoles, the whole dead animal including the head. That was positively ghoulish. Everybody's great aunt seemed to have one.
You are quite correct. I wouldn't have lived, I'd have died of fright!*
* I'm quite a dab hand at rescuing ladybirds actually. And been known to rescue cats dinners and put them outside. Most died or fright anyway within 10 minutes but a few scuttled away.
Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)
Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now
I never heard about fish
I never heard about fish shoes before, but I share in the appalledness.
Anyway, I am making progress. I now know that SU--ERMAT---YP-I-S is correct. I tried writing down SUBDERMATHO-YP-I-S, but I found myself with a G left that was already ruled out of all the remaining blank spaces. I think I'll keep the BD there and put the HO back in the hopper.
Miserable old git

Patiently waiting for the asteroid with my name on it.