Cafe Einstein - LPTPW 17 - animal, vegetable, and/or a minerally type chemically thing, and maybe some other things as well, yes :)

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Oh dear, I got locked out of

Oh dear, I got locked out of adding a HINT EDIT to my last post. Never mind!! I AM thread ruler, and I WILL double post! :)

Those lurking about the tool thread in the seti cafe, may see a connection here. It's how I came across the tool to begin with :) Also, the gentleman to the right of the frilly dude is closely associated with my vegetable... not in the pommes frite sense, no... because I believe that accolade belongs to a sarcastic American chef... but in many other ways... and in his native country, many dishes are called after him.

I think he must have been a nice man, I really do.

Also... she who did not say let them eat cake, may well have said... let them wear flowers in their hair, and on their bosoms/lapels, like mon cherie... but that's just me surmising :)

And then there's the banes... top right... which may, or may not lead you to the bottom left... *roll eyes* ... one day...


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Chris S
Chris S
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RE: Yes, Chris, it would.

Yes, Chris, it would. And it's where the Irish invented the pothole*. The hot pot of potatoes would be placed on the ground to facilitate the mashing of its contents, and over time, a hole would form.

What??? Now listen here my good woman, I'm not having that, it sounds like Betty at the Rovers Return!!


When Rome finally took Britain they built their roads, and when they left, the Britons kept them, because they were constructed so well. They built on top of the Roman roads with a heavy layer of clay. When times got tough the potters couldn't afford to buy clay to make their pots, so they dug holes in the road down to the layer of that thick clay and stole it. In the morning, when the Teamsters drove by, and nearly wrecked the wagons in the holes, they cursed those damn Potters and the potters holes.

Real truth
It is a corruption of the Olde English word "posthole" where the main vertical timber members of a building were sunk into the ground to give strength. Over centuries the wood decayed leading to an open post hole.



Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

Gary Charpentier
Gary Charpentier
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Snort --- wrote:


Early 19th century: from Middle English pot 'pit' (perhaps of Scandinavian origin) + hole.

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I think we'll find nature did

I think we'll find nature did it first and much more attractively... with just rock and water :) It's a shame the natural wonders she created in parts of Africa have had their original names airbrushed from history by failed gold prospectors and the like though, but never mind. Probably happened elsewhere too.

And yes, I did read the myth of the thieving potters too. As to the postholes... maybe in Great Britain, post became corrupted to pot, while in Ireland, they made use of their postholes for their pots :)

EDIT: *SNORT@Gary's Snort* :))))))))))))

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Chris S
Chris S
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Where do you think POTcheen

Where do you think POTcheen came from ?

Waiting for Godot & salvation :-)

Why do doctors have to practice?
You'd think they'd have got it right by now

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Oh that's easy. Arvada,

Oh that's easy. Arvada, Colorado. Not sure if I've heard of any their music though...


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Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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Now, now, now.

Now, now, now. :-)

DownUnda we all know where the term 'pothole' comes from : it's a hole in the road that wrecks the suspension of your car. It is put there by local council workers in order to amuse themselves by watching the avoidant tactics of drivers approaching. They bet on the various outcomes and the wagers are put into a pot, which is normally placed up a gum tree at the nearest billabong and guarded by a sheep. We have a famous rhyme that, properly translated, refers to attempts to steal the pot of money. This is not well known because of all those memory erasing rays from the Pine Gap domes. Some of us with carefully prepared aluminium hats have been able to remember this important cultural point. In any event the CIA have used their time machine to go back and seed history with all the bogus reasons, some of which have been mentioned in this thread. I have no idea why they would do this, but just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean they are not after me ....

Cheers, Mike.

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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I'm beginning to think

I'm beginning to think potholes are like eyes... invented more than once :) and in numerous ways... all to achieve the end Mike has just revealed for us :) *blink* I think I could have put that a little better...

I'm also beginning to think Chris will be mistaking me for that Betty woman again... some time in a while when we reach our quest... y-e-e-e-s


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Mike Hewson
Mike Hewson
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RE: I'm beginning to think

I'm beginning to think potholes are like eyes... invented more than once :) and in numerous ways... all to achieve the end Mike has just revealed for us :) *blink* I think I could have put that a little better...

Well I don't want to appear as a know-it-all & haughty but my explanation is the only consistent and logical one. Don't feel bad about your ideas, silly rubbish they may be, but they are a good try. However it is good that I am around to bring all of you up to speed on the real deal. I am here for you all .... and I say this honestly, sincerely and without pretension.

Cheers, Mike.

( edit ) Muhahahaha ..... Oh dear I couldn't hold that straight face for very long could I ? 20 minutes tops. :-)

I have made this letter longer than usual because I lack the time to make it shorter ...

... and my other CPU is a Ryzen 5950X :-) Blaise Pascal

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Three RAC and still falling.

Three RAC and still falling. I may switch on Einstein tomorrow; after my emergency dentist appointment. (See LPTPW Thread at SETI Main for details.)


Have TARDIS, will travel...
Come along K-9!
Join SETI Refugees

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