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Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Easy enough to find if you

Easy enough to find if you have an ASUS BIOS that gives you the F9 Search function.  Just input Above 4G and hit enter.  It will move to the location in the BIOS where that option resides.

Just enable it and boot.

I would say probably half the ASUS boards have the option in the Advanced section.

MSI has almost 100% of its boards supporting that option.

Here is a short YT video of someone pointing the option out on a ASUS X570 Pro TUF Gaming board.

ASUS Above 4G location in BIOS


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Thanks Keith!

Thanks Keith!


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Tom M
Tom M
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George wrote: Thanks

George wrote:

Thanks Keith!

George you typically only need "Above 4G" if you exceed the basic Pcie address space resources like running 4-7 video cards.

My original Crosshair Hero MB didn't have an "Above 4G" toggle but would still drive 6 gpus.

I think.

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Tom M
Tom M
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San-Fernando-Valley wrote:

Tom M wrote:

What Version of the Windows 10 driver are you using?  Date?

At present Win10  NVIDIA  465.89  DCM (GRD) dated March 25. 2021 (according to GPU-Z) and all the previous ones back to Jan 2019.

Works also fine with all the SD (Studio Driver) versions, but the GRD (Game Ready Driver) seems to be a little bit faster.

Just a thought:  Hope you have the "above 4GB" activated in the BIOS (not all MBs offer that option).

Yes, Above 4G is activated.  Windows Device Manager complains about the iGPU card not having enough resources if I don't.

Tomorrow is supposed to be very wet around here so I will take another shot at trying to get Windows 10 to work using a much wider range of video card versions.

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Tom, you will also find

Tom, you will also find videos and forum posts telling you that enabling Above 4G decoding is also beneficial for just single cards in gaming.  Reduces stuttering and is also linked to the new resizeable BAR address space that new AMD and Nvidia cards are using to boost gaming performance because it provides much more address space for gaming maps, textures and backgrounds.


Yes, the C7H does not have Above 4G in the default visible menus.  But it was available if you used a modded BIOS that exposed the option in the AMD CBS menus.


Tom M
Tom M
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It's Friday night and I am

It's Friday night and I am feeling exceptionally stupid.

On my EPYC box, E@H is currently telling me that after 38 tasks I have hit my daily task limit.

When I opened it up to 128 CPU cores (via ncpus) it still was complaining that I had hit my daily task limit.

What am I missing?

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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Lots of errored tasks?

Lots of errored tasks?


Keith Myers
Keith Myers
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[Erratum] Yes, the C7H


Yes, the C7H DOES have Above 4G Decoding plus the Resizable BAR in the latest BIOS'. 4204 and 4301

In the PCI configuration menu.


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Tom M wrote:On my EPYC

Tom M wrote:
On my EPYC box,

The task list for that box shows hundreds of errored tasks.  The ones I clicked on all listed status as "Timed out--no response".  Oddly, the interval between the stated "sent" time and the time reported or deadline varied from 3 days down to just a few minutes.  I don't know what that means.  But the fact they are listed as errors surely does explain a temporary low daily quota.

Tom M
Tom M
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Thank you all. I guess I

Thank you all.

I guess I will sit on my hands and see what develops on that system.

Tom M

A Proud member of the O.F.A.  (Old Farts Association).

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