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Quote:Cycling the fill and drain valves has shown that the core booster valve for the hydrogen tank is not showing as...
4th December 2014
When Cleese was filming Fawlty Towers he was actually playing with his estranged and previous wife Connie Booth (Polly)...
4th December 2014
I must buy a new atlas, my one from 1956 has most of Africa coloured pink!! Although that might have been because I...
3rd December 2014
I'm not too fussed about badges. I have some nice ones at WCG and one at Seti as well. But it would be a little bit of fun...
3rd December 2014
Chris S commented on Rocketry et al
That is a good point Glenn, but if the interest here wanes when Seti does come back, it will be a waste of time. Einstein...
3rd December 2014