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@Annie Quote:During the... we're-highly-bored-now... I-know-let's-prankcall-999-from-THIS-public-callbox part of...
7th October 2015
Quote:There is way too much derision these days of such community roles from the bleeding hearts, chattering classes,...
6th October 2015
Quote:Nor ... *cool glare* will Chris's sniggering... Snigger? S N I G G e R ? ? An English gentleman does not...
6th October 2015
Quote:The Hewson Jerk Principle : use a jerk to become jerk proof The Chris S Crusade :-) Be alert The world...
6th October 2015
I think Aussie and USA fireman are pretty good myself, especially when you bear in mind the vast areas in volved. The very...
6th October 2015