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Quote:You used to put homeless snails into air rifles, Chris...? *PETA blink* My dear Lady you unknowingly do me...
31st October 2015
Quote:Indeed I am able to discuss the properties that make a table a table, David, and especially at length. But...
30th October 2015
@David - Of course I do, why ever not my good fellow :-) @Annie - The rutabaga* swede, turnip, yellow turnip, or neep...
30th October 2015
Well, I bit the bullet and have just treated myself to a new card and it came yesterday. It is a KFA2 Geoforce GTX750ti...
30th October 2015
Quote:@Chris - ....... to say, the rear-end of a warthog - which is what I'm planning to look like in a decade. I hope...
30th October 2015